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Parade Float Registration

Registrations are now closed

Registration will open September 2, 2025.

Online Registration deadline is Friday, November 7, 2025, register today.
* A late fee of $ 50 may apply if received after this date.

Log in to Existing Account

Registration Information

Julie Hebert - DMCI
Phone: 506-857-2991
Fax: 506-857-2908
Email: registration@parademoncton.ca 

The Royale Greater Moncton Santa Claus Parade will be held on Saturday, November 22, 2025 starting at 5:00 p.m. from the corner of Cameron and Main Street. The Parade will continue east on Main Street to the corner of Champlain Street at Paul Street.

Parade Theme

Festival of Lights

Pre-parade Meeting - Attendance Mandatory

Sunday the November 16, 2025 at 3 pm.
Location :  CCNB 505 Rue du College, Dieppe

Standards and Conditions

Registration Fees:

1.     Corporate Entries $ 300 (tax included)

2.     Non-Profit Entries $ 100 (tax included)

* $ 50 will be refunded to all parade entries so long as they show up to participate on parade day and return the official parade number sign given to them. 


The Greater Moncton Santa Claus Parade is held the fourth Saturday of each November starting at 5:00 pm from Cameron and Main Street proceeding east on Main Street to Champlain Street at Paul St. Parade participants will assemble in the designated staging area prior to the event as instructed at the mandatory pre-Parade information meeting.

The parade day on-site contact person MUST attend the pre-parade MANDATORY MEETING held at 3:00 p.m. the Sunday prior to parade day. The meeting location will be confirmed and communicated directly to the registrants and posted on this website in advance. The purpose of the meeting is to review event safety concerns, discuss and assign entry positioning and to answer any participant questions you may have. If your organization misses this meeting your entry WILL BE ELIMINATED from the parade line up.

The Parade Committee will formally review all entries for acceptance into the parade. While it is a very rare occurrence, the committee does reserve the right to reject any entry based on their selection criteria. Entries arriving on parade day that do not match (within reason) the provided Description of Entry, or that are deemed inappropriate, will be refused entry into the parade. The parade is meant solely for the enjoyment of children and families in celebration of the Holiday Season, it is not a venue for solicitation or political messaging.


All participants from your group should know your organization’s entry name (on Application), placement number (assigned at mandatory pre-parade meeting), arrival time and a meeting place following the parade (i.e. Canadian Tire Parking lot), prior to arriving at parade.

Assigned placement number sign must be carried by an assigned participant to the front left-hand corner of the float or walking / riding group in order for the judges and TV announcers to properly identify your organization. The number sign must be returned to a parade representative at the end of the parade in order to be eligible for your $50 entry refund.

There are to be absolutely NO HANDOUTS OR GIVEAWAYS from any entry either by persons on the float or marchers. This is a dangerous practice and will not be permitted prior to, during or following the parade. Any entry using handouts will be immediately REMOVED FROM THE PARADE in the interest of safety.

The parade runs its own food drive. No other food drive or collection activity pick-up will be permitted.


All entries must be a float that is decorated, including the use of Christmas light, in keeping with the parade theme chosen for the year. You cannot simply enter your organization’s vehicle with a logo on the side. Commercial exposure must be kept to a minimum with the emphasis being placed on the parade theme.

Tow Vehicles must also be decorated.

Maximum height of any entry must not exceed 11 feet from the ground up, including tow vehicle height (in order to get under the subway underpass). Any entry exceeding this limitation will not be accepted. Floats cannot be rerouted to avoid the underpass.

Each entry in the parade will be limited to one (1) mobile unit. A float connected to tow vehicle is considered one mobile unit..

Each Entry in the parade will be limited to one (1) person every two (2) feet of trailer length per float (i.e. 50 foot float = 25 people). There is a maximum of 25 people per float.

No one may get on or off a float once it has started on the parade route.

No Sounding of sirens or truck horns during the parade.

All mobile entries are to have a FIRE EXTINGUISHER.

Disembarking Floats: You will be give a designated location at the end of the parade for your participants to safely disembark your float. Failure to disembark in your designated safe zone may result in fines from the RCMP.  In the past we have received reports of floats traveling on unprotected roadways after the parade with participants still aboard. Please follow our directions and don’t put your participant’s safety in jeopardy. 

Walking Entries:

Entries including any animals are responsible for immediate clean-up of defecation during the course of the parade. Please bring a shovel and waste receptacle.Animal entry applications will be asked to submit a clean-up plan for consideration by the committee.

Assigned placement number sign must be carried in the front of your group in order for the judges and TV announcers to properly identify your organization.

Parade Day Timing

November 22, 2025

Street Closure Information
*There will be no parking permitted on Main Street through out the day until the end of the parade.

1:00 pm — Vaughn Harvey Boulevard CLOSED from John Street to the entrance to Sobeys.
4:45 pm — Main Street CLOSED from Vaughn Harvey Boulevard to Paul Street in Dieppe.
All closures will be in effect until the end of the parade.

Parade Day Timing

2:00 - 3:00 — Mobile Units Line up in assigned order
3:00 - 4:30 — Float Participants and Marching Units Arrive
4:30 — All units move forward as directed to close any gaps
4:40 — Food Drive rolls out
4:55 — Parade starts to move

2024 Sponsors


Government Partner

City of Moncton

New Brunswick

Moncton City Hall Sponsor

Moncton Lion’s Club

Special Event Sponsor

Sunlife Financial



Expert Security

Entry Category Sponsor

Toys for Big Boys

Parade Mascot Sponsor

Rodd Moncton

Crowne Plaza

Friends of Parade





Hilton Garden Inn


Once up on a child

Armour Transportatinon Systems

Dynamic Towing

Inspiration Design

Media Partners

Rogers TV

C 103.1

XL Country 96.9

cjse 89

Plus FM 90.7

K 94.5 FM

the Bend 91.9 FM

Choix 99.9 FM

103.9 MAX FM

Pickle Planet Moncton